Monsoon rains in Karachi city have led to super-duper entry, resulting in the accumulation of water ponds on the streets of Karachi and The power system has been badly saturated to suspend power supply to areas That's it
But also the K electric headoffices of Sindh have lost power All the claims of the civil administration of the government were shed in the rain and municipality Poor performance pools have opened.
When all this will be better Ever since childhood, all these drawbacks have been heard about when the K electric system's electromagnetic system will recover
And now that we have become the fathers of our children, the rain water enters our homes, which is facing severe problems.
The drainage is very bad Pile of rubbish in place Presents in spreading scaffolding. Drinking water is rare .Gutter water is a punishment standing in houses
Or make the Divine New Pakistan a relief from these problems
New Pakistan